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View Yeh Teraa Ghár Yeh Meraa Ghár 2001 Full Hindi Film Free of charge Online Movie director: Priyadarshan Starring: SuniI Shetty, Mahima Cháudhry, Paresh Rawal, Sáurabh Shukla Genre: Humor, Episode Released on: 12 March 2001 Article writer: Priyadarshan (story), Neeraj Vora (dialogue), Neeraj Vora (screenplay) IMDB Ranking: 5.8/10 (478 Votes) Length of time: 175 min Synopsis: In credit card debt Dayashankar Pandey is certainly forced to proceed to Bombay to question his tenants to vacate his home as it can be his just means of acquiring money to pay off his loan products. Yeh Tera Ghar Yeh Mera Ghar Watch Online.